In-Person, Telephone,  Virtual:

Hypnosis, Readings, Reiki Healings & Classes

Forms must be filled out at time of booking with the exception of Covid-19 Waiver which must be filled out within 24 hours of appointment.


Hypnosis HIPAA

  1. Reasonable access to service, regardless of gender, race, religion. national origin, age, sexual orientation, veteran status or disability.
  2. To be free from discrimination, harassment, abuse or neglect.
  3. Personal dignity.
  4. Service that is considerate and respectful of you and your family's value and belief systems.
  5. Informed consent.
  6. Participation in resolving any ethical concerns related to your care or service.
  7. Informational privacy and confidentiality. Information will be released to other parties only with the written authorization of you and your legal guardian, when appropriate. The exceptions to this right include; (1) release of information for treatment, healthcare operations or payment; (2) child abuse or neglect; (3) when there is a danger to yourself, others or property; or (4) as otherwise permitted by law.
  8. Access to protective services and client advocacy.
  9. Designation of a surrogate decision-maker in the event that you become unable of understanding proposed care or service, or are unable to communicate your wishes.
  10. Information is presented in an understandable manner to you and your family (in-cluding these rights and responsibilities).
  11. Any pain that you experience is effectively managed or appropriately referred to other healthcare providers.
  12. The right to be free from unnecessary or excessive medication.
  13. The right to not be subjected to non-standard treatment or procedures, without written informed consent, after consultation with counsel or an interested party of your choice.
  14. The right to be free from corporal punishment.
  15. The right to treatment in the least restrictive setting.
  16. To pursue any complaints or concerns you have in a manner consistent with the law.
  1.  Provide truthful information.
  2. Participate in care and service planning to the best of your ability and work to meet upon goals.
  3. Attend all scheduled appointments. Any cancellations must be made 24 hours in advance or payment of fees shall be required, as applicable by law.
  4. Respect the rights of other clients, families, visitors and staff, particularly with regard to confidentiality of information about other clients.
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