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ASTROLOGY, ANGELS & MORE ~ Hosted by Mary Silvernail

The Angel of Hope & The Blue Moon 2020

God’s Way YTVY - Season 8: Nibiru

God’s Way YTVY - Season 6: Predictions for 2016 and Beyond

Astrology, Angels & More: Angels, Love and Twin Flames-hosted by Mary Silvernail

Astrology, Angels & More: 2023 Astrological Predictions & Horoscopes

Astrology, Angels & More: Metatron & The Cancer Lunar Eclipse

Astrology, Angels & More: 2022 Taurus Lunar Eclipse

Astrology, Angels & More: The Age of Aquarius

Astrology, Angels & More: 2023 Pisces Super Full Blue Moon / Karuna Reiki (r)

Astrology, Angels & More: Aries Total Eclipse & An Interview With Ted Silverhand

Astrology, Angels & More: Removing Negative Energy

Astrology, Angels & More: Astrological Predictions 2022

"The past can teach us, nurture us, but it cannot sustain us. The essence of life is change, and we must move forward or the soul will wither and die."

~ Susanna Kearsley ~


Astrological Profile ā€” Hypnosis therapy astrology and reiki healing in Waretown, NJ




Mary Silvernail

Professional Astrologer - Medium

Board Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist

Call: 609-242-3900 ļ»æ


Your January 2025 Horoscope
by Mary Silvernail – Psychic Astrologer
For a Personal Reading call

For entertainment purposes only


ARIES – March 21/April 20

Your hard work is paying off handsomely with an abundance of opportunity. This is your month for a positive shift in finances.


GEMINI – May22/June 21

The winds of change are blowing through your stars right now. Opportunity awaits in all forms of communication with new friends or new love interest.


LEO – July 23/August 23

Partners offer loving encouragement in your new endeavors. You have tremendous energy to get things done. Go for it!


LIBRA – September 23/October 23

If finances permit, this would be a great time for important purchases or investments. Allow your creative juices to flow with an art or music class.


SAGITTARIUS – November 23/December 21

You are experiencing a whole life review. Friends and lovers from the past my pop up out of nowhere. Enjoy the memories but don’t get stuck on memory lane.


AQUARIUS – January 21/February 18

You are truly in a looking forward mode. Brilliant ideas and answers to long held problems suddenly become crystal clear. Trust your intuition. It’s correct.


TAURUS – April 21/May 21

Long trips for business and pleasure bring good fortune. Be open to innovative ideas regarding business.


CANCER – June 22/July 22

Be ready to shine brilliantly at the time of the beautiful Full Moon. You can make great changes for many at this time. Speak up and let your voice be heard.


VIRGO – August 24/September 22

Do not fear, dear Virgo, change can be good for you. You are having a change of heart about an important person in your world. Trust and have Faith in a happy ending.


SCORPIO – October 24/November 22

Children bring you joy especially this month. You are the stability appreciated by so many. However, please take care of you, too.


CAPRICORN – December 22/January 20

Happy Birthday, Capricorn! It is your month to shine! Major changes are in store for you beginning this month and continuing through the entire year. Embrace them.


PISCES - February 19/March 20

Weigh all options regarding your investments and personal life and positive, new beginnings will be yours. Focus on your health and your family life is vital this month.


HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!  2 0 2 5 !!!!

Happy Birthday, Capricorn! Capricorn is the tenth sign of the zodiac with the teacher, Saturn, as its ruler. The colors black and royal blue are associated with the sign of Capricorn. Garnet and onyx are Capricorn’s gems. Capricorns are loyal, faithful, practical and carry themselves with much dignity. Their downfalls can be their possessive, sometimes jealous nature and that they are the workaholics of the zodiac.

January 14 – Cancer Full Moon - Also referred to as the Wolf Moon focusing on home and family. With this Full Moon astrologically at home in the sign of Cancer all emotions are running very deep; especially 3 days before, the day of and 3 days after the Full Moon. It is a great time to release any negative emotional ties that create fear or insecurities tied to the past. Manifestation and any type of psychic work are more intense now.

January 21 - Sun Conjunct Pluto in Aquarius – Powerful transformation for individuals and the world. This is felt collectively as well as individually. It happens to also be falling in the USA’s astrological house of money and for the first time since 1776 with a transformative Pluto Return. This is HUGE!

January 29 - Mercury Conjunct Pluto in Aquarius - All communication is intensified. Expect profound insights from deep conversations uncovering truths long hidden. 

January 29 - Aquarius New Moon – This New Moon is all about independence personally and collectively. Allow yourself to dream big with a bold and visionary approach to your dreams. Miracles can be manifested now. This is the new beginning you have been longing for. Change is here and it is now!


January 30 – Uranus Stations Direct in Taurus – Creates an urge to express our unique selves and stir up change that is long overdue.

 “Whenever you have become static, stagnant, or comfortably asleep in the way you identified your reality, you are being asked to consciously embrace the volcanic energy of change.” (Ariel Spilsbury, The 13-Moon Oracle)

Wishing you all a Happy, Healthy, Prosperous and Blessed New Year!

~ Mary Silvernail, ACI, RMT ~

For your personal Psychic Astrology Reading

call Mary at 609-242-3900

~ Gifted from birth ~

So accurate your spine will tingle!!!

Know what is in your future!

Like Mary Silvernail Astrologer on Facebook Or visit on the web at:

View Mary's TV show on YouTube: "Astrology, Angels and More"

Listen or view on all podcast networks & YouTube: "Spiritual Journey Podcast

All About Angels

by Mary Silvernail - Astrologer

Archangel Gabriel

Archangel Gabriel is the Angel most associated with the holiday season. He is known as the Messenger of God throughout most religions. He is the one in the Bible who came to Mary to tell her of the miraculous coming of her Son. He is also the one that is to be the messenger on Judgment Day and will blow his horn for all to come. His name means “the strength of God”. He represents hope, joy, purity, order and discipline.

Who better can we call upon during the holiday season then Archangel Gabriel to bring us the joy we so desire?

As we all realize the world is not in the best of times, this is the perfect time of year to connect with the Angels in order to bring the hope and joy that is so much needed.

We see Christmas cards, ornaments and decorations of all sorts with Angels during the holiday season; especially ones with beautiful Gabriel blowing his horn. Each time you see a card or decoration with an Angel let it be a reminder to you to ask Gabriel and all the Angels to bring peace, joy, hope and world order so that all may revel in this glorious holiday season.

Also, why not be an extension of Gabriel and be a messenger to others of hope and joy? This can be done, simply by speaking kindly, listening intently while another speaks, acts of kindness, giving or by simply sending a greeting card of joy.

To connect with Archangel Gabriel, simply sit comfortably, take a few deep breaths, imagine a beautiful white light of hope surrounding you. This is the light of Gabriel.

Wearing pearls, diamonds and clear quartz crystal also attracts Archangel Gabriel.

I dedicate this month’s column to my beautiful granddaughter and her Guardian Angel Gabriel. I have a beautiful portrait of my granddaughter holding pearls. You see my granddaughter was born on the day of Archangel Gabriel and oh how fitting that she should be holding Gabriel’s pearls.

Many Divine Blessings.

Mary Silvernail, ACI, RMT

© Copyright 2024 Mary Silvernail

For Information:

Mary Silvernail, ACI, RMT – Psychic Astrologer & Healer may be reached at:

Hope Hypnosis & Holistic Center, LLC, 465 Rt. 9, Waretown, NJ 08758

609-242-3900 or

Like on Facebook, follow on Instagram:  Mary Silvernail Astrologer

TV Shows on YouTube: Mary Silvernail and “Astrology, Angels and More”

ASK YOUR Angels by Mary Silvernail – Psychic Astrologer

My entire life I have been strongly connected with the Angels clairvoyantly and clairaudiently.  My first connection had been noted at four years old. They have always guided and protected me throughout my life and assist me in my readings and the healing work I do. In a psychic Angel reading, when I tell a person the name of their Guardian Angel and give the guidance they need, it is always so correct and perfect because it is coming directly from the Divine source. Here are some answers to questions that I am sure can help you, too:

Q: I have been on a spiritual quest of wisdom and understanding. I want to get more in tune with my intuition. What Angel can help me with this?

A: Archangel Zadkiel is just waiting for you to ask. Whether you practice meditation or just get into a quiet state of mind, ask Zadkiel to come and join you and guide you to higher levels of spiritual intuitiveness and understanding. Having some amethyst crystal on your person or in your presence can also heighten the experience.

Q: My son is addicted to drugs and currently in a rehab program. What Angel can I ask to help him?

A: Say a prayer to Archangel Gabriel and ask that Gabriel come and cleanse your son of the toxins that are in his body from the drugs. Then envision your son with the pure white light of Gabriel surrounding and entering your son, purifying his body and mind.

Also, ask Gabriel to give him the understanding that he has been self-medicating due to unresolved issues or emotions in his life. Gabriel will also help your son to communicate what these issues are to the counselors so that he can get the proper treatment.

You should call upon Archangel Michael to give the strength that is necessary to your son, your family and you in order that the treatment be a full recovery. I offer my Blessings to your son, your family and to you. It is difficult, but never let go of your FAITH.

Q: I am very unhappy in my current job and I would like to change careers. I don’t know what direction I want to pursue in my life. I am very concerned about making the wrong decision. Angels, please give me guidance.

A: Archangel Jophiel will surely light the way for you. Simply say a little prayer to Archangel Jophiel to show you the path in life in order to fulfill your soul’s purpose and a brilliant light will shine in the direction you should go. Trust how you feel when you are investigating a certain career or job opportunity. If you feel peaceful, then go in that direction. If you feel any apprehension, then that path is not for you in this lifetime. Jophiel will inspire you and guide you to where you feel positive. 

Work with the energy of citrine and also clear quartz crystal to enhance with your guidance from Archangel Jophiel

Many Divine Blessings of Love & Light.

Mary Silvernail, ACI, RMT 

© Copyright 2024 Mary Silvernail

For Information: 

Mary Silvernail, ACI, RMT – Psychic Astrologer & Healer may be reached at:

Hope Hypnosis & Holistic Center, LLC, 465 Rt. 9, Waretown, NJ 08758

609-242-3900 or

Like on facebook: Mary Silvernail Astrologer

Watch Mary Silvernail on “Astrology, Angels & More” on You-Tube

Also “Spiritual Journey Podcast” on all the podcast channels & You-Tube


ARCHANGEL 7 STEP EMPOWERMENT PROGRAM ~ Learn how to improve your life with the guidance of the Angels and empower yourself to achieve your goals while releasing all fear and doubt. Extremely empowering and motivating program. Teacher: Mary Silvernail, Psychic Medium Astrologer, Newspaper & Magazine Columnist – Call for class schedule and dates. 

CONNECT WITH YOUR GUARDIAN ANGEL ~ Find out the name of your Guardian Angel who was assigned to you at birth, learn how to connect with your Angel, what your soul's purpose is, your power colors & power crystals. Teacher: Mary Silvernail, Psychic Medium Astrologer, Newspaper & Magazine Columnist – Call for class schedule and dates. 

PSYCHIC DEVELOPMENT / MEDIUMSHIP: Get the tools you need to refine your psychic abilities and connect with the other side safely. Gallery reading included in this workshop by Mary Silvernail, Psychic Medium Astrologer – Call for class schedule and dates. 

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