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"The past can teach us, nurture us, but it cannot sustain us. The essence of life is change, and we must move forward or the soul will wither and die."
~ Susanna Kearsley ~
Mary Silvernail
Professional Astrologer - Medium
Board Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist
Call: 609-242-3900 ļ»æ
Your March 2025 Horoscope
by Mary Silvernail – Psychic Astrologer
For a Personal Reading call
For entertainment purposes only
ARIES – March 21/April 20
Your Aries energy is really in high gear. Utilize your energies in a productive manner. You will hear from someone in your past. Don’t fall for their same old song and dance.
GEMINI – May22/June 21
You are a shining star this month in both career and personal life. Don’t float too far off the ground; there are also some serious issues at hand. Stay focused!
LEO – July 23/August 23
Your feelings regarding a love relationship are changing. Allow yourself to get in touch with your inner knowing for answers through meditation. The answers will come.
LIBRA – September 23/October 23
Keep that upbeat loving feeling flowing this month. You are noticed in your workplace by higher-ups. You really will be going places, if you stay upbeat.
SAGITTARIUS – November 23/December 21
The universe is smiling on your love life. Make the most of it. Socialize, socialize, socialize. You may just meet your soul mate under these stars.
AQUARIUS – January 21/February 18
You are a completely different person then you were a year ago. You have evolved to a new heightened awareness. Now FLY……
TAURUS – April 21/May 21
Your focus is on making money, dear Taurus. That is great; just leave a little room for some fun. A little romantic weekend getaway can do wonders for both of you.
CANCER – June 22/July 22
You find very creative ways to make extra money. Short trips pay-off greatly. Do a good deed; it will be paid back to you threefold.
VIRGO – August 24/September 22
Everything finally comes to a head. There is no more wavering. You must make a decision. Trust yourself, you are very insightful.
SCORPIO – October 24/November 22
Focus on what makes you happy and brings a smile to your face. Release the melancholy and live your life. Now is not the time for real estate transactions. Wait.
CAPRICORN – December 22/January 20
You are the social butterfly this month. Be sure to get enough rest, since your energy level is very low. Take care of yourself; no one else will.
PISCES - February 19/March 20
Happy Birthday, Pisces. It is your month to shine. After the 22nd you have the clarity of thought to move quickly forward to beautiful new beginnings. Have FAITH!
Happy Birthday, Pisces! Pisces is the twelfth and final sign of the zodiac with Neptune as its ruling planet. Pisces gemstones are turquoise, sugalite, amethyst and covellite. The color of turquoise is associated with the sign of Pisces. Pisceans are highly intuitive, spiritual individuals. Many possess the gift of prophetic dreaming. They are also dreamy, imaginative, creative, sensitive and lovers of art and poetry.
March 1: Venus Retrograde in Aries Begins
It’s time to slow down to ask, “What really matters to me?” It’s a great time to reassess your priorities. It’s also a time when an ex may reenter your life.
March 13: Sun in Pisces Sextile Uranus in Taurus
If you’re looking for a spark of inspiration, this is it! Unexpected insights or opportunities may come along, especially if you’re open to new possibilities. Flexibility is key here—expect the unexpected.
March 14: Full Moon (Lunar Eclipse) in Virgo
This eclipse brings the Virgo themes of organization, healing, and letting go into focus. What is no longer serving you? This is a great moment to clear the clutter (physically or emotionally) and make space for something better. Transformation is key!
March 15: Mercury Retrograde Begins
Mercury stations retrograde thru April 6, which means it’s time to slow down and double-check the details. Whether it’s miscommunications or technology issues, patience will be your best friend. Use this time to revisit unfinished projects instead of starting new ones.
March 17: Moon in Scorpio Square Pluto in Aquarius
Emotions run deep. Something hidden is coming to the surface. It’s an opportunity to transform and release what’s been holding you back.
March 20 at 5:01am EST: Spring Equinox – precise moment the Sun’s rays shine directly on the equator - Aries Season Begins (Sun Enters Aries)
Welcome to the astrological new year! Aries season is all about boldness, action, and fresh starts. It’s time to embrace your inner fire and take the lead on whatever inspires you most. The Spring Equinox which is the first day of Spring. The ancients believed the New Year began with The Spring Equinox.
All astrological influences are magnified at that time.
March 22: Venus Cazimi: Sun Conjunct Retrograde Venus in Aries
This is BIG. Venus enters the heart of the sun at 2 degrees Aries and is also sextiling Pluto in Aquarius. No one living has ever felt this particular energy, as it's been 200+ years since Pluto was last in Aquarius.
This is a very beautiful time for all themes Venus. It highlights self-reflection around your values and how you present yourself to the world as well as long term relationships, art, beauty and money. Venus asks you to turn inward. What parts of yourself do you want to honor more fully?
This is just the beginning in a beautiful and supported Venus cycle that will span 10 months, so be sure to see where this particular transit falls in your personal birth chart. Celebrate your progress, but use this energy to reassess your priorities and make sure your actions align with your true desires.
March 25: Black Moon Lilith Enters Scorpio
Lilith in Scorpio invites us to confront themes of power, vulnerability, and authenticity. This transit encourages you to reclaim parts of yourself you may have hidden or suppressed—especially the raw, unapologetic parts.
March 29: New Moon (Solar Eclipse) in Aries
This New Moon Solar Eclipse is a powerful invitation to set bold intentions for the future. Aries energy is all about leadership, courage, and fresh starts. Ask yourself: What do I want to create in this next chapter of my life?
Empaths, be aware that this month the energies are flowing on deeper levels than usual, gratefully mostly harmonious. Holding smoky quartz crystal or onyx in your hand while meditating can disperse any negativity. Than perhaps working with some rose quartz helping you connect back to all that is good through its pink heart energy bringing pure love, joy and peace.
"Your work is to clarify and purify your vision so that the vibration that you are offering can then be answered.” (Abraham – channeled by Esther Hicks) Happy Spring! Blessed New Beginnings!
~ Mary Silvernail, ACI, RMT ~
For your personal Psychic Astrology Reading
call Mary at 609-242-3900
~ Gifted from birth ~
So accurate your spine will tingle!!!
Know what is in your future!
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Archangel Brigit
Happy St. Patrick’s Day! Erin Go Bragh! (English translation: Ireland forever)
Whenever I think of St. Patrick’s Day I associate St. Patrick with Brigit, the dearly beloved Saint of Ireland born ca.450. After hearing St. Patrick speak she devoted her life to giving whatever she had to those in need. She helped the poor with a loving and open heart, yet is also known for her extreme courage and as a warrior. Originally Brigit was a highly respected Celtic goddess in ancient Ireland. In the fifth century she was adopted by the Catholic Church as St. Brigit. She is the combination of protector, warrior, mother, loving and healing us in her feminine ways.
Brigit is the female equivalent of Archangel Michael who protects us, lovingly guides us and gives us the courage that we need.
Whenever you feel you need courage and empowerment, just ask Archangel Michael to stand with you on your left side and Brigit to stand with you on your right side. They will encourage and support you in all your endeavors. Many times you may possibly feel a sensation of heat from their fiery powers. Both Archangel Michael and St. Brigit are known for coming to your side instantaneously when called upon for help.
In my readings and healing sessions at Hope Hypnosis & Holistic Center, many times the issue my client comes to me with is a feeling of lack of empowerment. During part of the session I will call upon Archangel Michael and St. Brigit to come and join us and to help heal any courage and strength issues for the person. Immediately Michael and Brigit’s presence is felt and the energy in the room and within my client is uplifted with bright, motivating and powerful sensations. I also enlighten them on many other techniques to help enhance their empowerment and courage on a continuing basis.
Perhaps this St. Patrick’s Day would be a good time for you to ask Archangel Michael and Brigit to help empower you on your path in life.
Many Divine Blessings.
Mary Silvernail, ACI, RMT
© Copyright 2024 Mary Silvernail
For Information:
Mary Silvernail, ACI, RMT – Psychic Astrologer & Healer may be reached at:
Hope Hypnosis & Holistic Center, LLC, 465 Rt. 9, Waretown, NJ 08758
609-242-3900 or
Like on Facebook, follow on Instagram: Mary Silvernail Astrologer
TV Shows on YouTube: Mary Silvernail and “Astrology, Angels and More”
My entire life I have been strongly connected with the Angels clairvoyantly and clairaudiently. My first connection had been noted at four years old. They have always guided and protected me throughout my life and assist me in my readings and the healing work I do. In a psychic Angel reading, when I tell a person the name of their Guardian Angel and give the guidance they need, it is always so correct and perfect because it is coming directly from the Divine source. Here are some answers to questions that I am sure can help you, too:
Q: I have been on a spiritual quest of wisdom and understanding. I want to get more in tune with my intuition. What Angel can help me with this?
A: Archangel Zadkiel is just waiting for you to ask. Whether you practice meditation or just get into a quiet state of mind, ask Zadkiel to come and join you and guide you to higher levels of spiritual intuitiveness and understanding. Having some amethyst crystal on your person or in your presence can also heighten the experience.
Q: My son is addicted to drugs and currently in a rehab program. What Angel can I ask to help him?
A: Say a prayer to Archangel Gabriel and ask that Gabriel come and cleanse your son of the toxins that are in his body from the drugs. Then envision your son with the pure white light of Gabriel surrounding and entering your son, purifying his body and mind.
Also, ask Gabriel to give him the understanding that he has been self-medicating due to unresolved issues or emotions in his life. Gabriel will also help your son to communicate what these issues are to the counselors so that he can get the proper treatment.
You should call upon Archangel Michael to give the strength that is necessary to your son, your family and you in order that the treatment be a full recovery. I offer my Blessings to your son, your family and to you. It is difficult, but never let go of your FAITH.
Q: I am very unhappy in my current job and I would like to change careers. I don’t know what direction I want to pursue in my life. I am very concerned about making the wrong decision. Angels, please give me guidance.
A: Archangel Jophiel will surely light the way for you. Simply say a little prayer to Archangel Jophiel to show you the path in life in order to fulfill your soul’s purpose and a brilliant light will shine in the direction you should go. Trust how you feel when you are investigating a certain career or job opportunity. If you feel peaceful, then go in that direction. If you feel any apprehension, then that path is not for you in this lifetime. Jophiel will inspire you and guide you to where you feel positive.
Work with the energy of citrine and also clear quartz crystal to enhance with your guidance from Archangel Jophiel
Many Divine Blessings of Love & Light.
Mary Silvernail, ACI, RMT
© Copyright 2024 Mary Silvernail
For Information:
Mary Silvernail, ACI, RMT – Psychic Astrologer & Healer may be reached at:
Hope Hypnosis & Holistic Center, LLC, 465 Rt. 9, Waretown, NJ 08758
609-242-3900 or
Like on facebook: Mary Silvernail Astrologer
Watch Mary Silvernail on “Astrology, Angels & More” on You-Tube
Also “Spiritual Journey Podcast” on all the podcast channels & You-Tube
ARCHANGEL 7 STEP EMPOWERMENT PROGRAM ~ Learn how to improve your life with the guidance of the Angels and empower yourself to achieve your goals while releasing all fear and doubt. Extremely empowering and motivating program. Teacher: Mary Silvernail, Psychic Medium Astrologer, Newspaper & Magazine Columnist – Call for class schedule and dates.
CONNECT WITH YOUR GUARDIAN ANGEL ~ Find out the name of your Guardian Angel who was assigned to you at birth, learn how to connect with your Angel, what your soul's purpose is, your power colors & power crystals. Teacher: Mary Silvernail, Psychic Medium Astrologer, Newspaper & Magazine Columnist – Call for class schedule and dates.
PSYCHIC DEVELOPMENT / MEDIUMSHIP: Get the tools you need to refine your psychic abilities and connect with the other side safely. Gallery reading included in this workshop by Mary Silvernail, Psychic Medium Astrologer – Call for class schedule and dates.
Board Certified: Intnl. Medical & Dental Hypnotherapists Assn., Intnl. Assn. Of Counselors & Therapists, American Board of Hypnotherapy.
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